First, install anaconda
Then, install Jupyter lab via anaconda
$ conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
If you got following error in mac terminal -bash: conda: command not found
, type export PATH=”/Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
in mac terminal first.
To run Jupyter Lab, there are 2 ways
1. Using terminal
Because my mac’s default interactive shell is now zsh, I only found that I manually type following command in terminal to use conda.
export PATH=”/Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
I tried this before but it doesn't work :(
$ vi .bash_profile
add export PATH=”/Users/[YOUR_USER_NAME]/opt/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”
$ source .bash_profile
After that, you can start conda and run the Jupyter Lab.
// To check what environments you have via following command
$ conda info --envs// Start conda environment
$ source activate [YOUR_ENV]// Run Jupyter Lab
$ Jupyter Lab
2. Using Anaconda-Navigator app
Start conda with Anaconda-Navigator app.
Click the JupyterLab
Now, You can use Jupyter Lab !
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